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Senior Fiesta Next Steps


CAST Tech will be hosting a senior dance, "Senior Fiesta," Juniors are welcomed and invited.

Senior Fiesta will be at CAST Tech High School Friday, April 23rd, from 7-11 PM.

Food, DJ, Photobooths, decorations will be at this event.

1 Meal will be provided for free if you would like to eat more please look to bring around $20 to be safe, a minimum of $9.

Fiesta tickets are usually between $60-100; due to the pandemic and financial stress some are experiencing, this will now be a FREE EVENT.

Formal attire is required (Dresses/ Suits/ Tuxes) and will be used for Senior Fiesta, Senior Showcase, and Graduation Ceremony.

Please remember that if you are planning to attend Fiesta next Friday, April 23rd, you must have a COVID test on campus on Thursday, April 22nd. Attached to this message is the form both in English and Spanish.


Tuesday and Wednesday, your form must be signed and turned in by noon to the front office. Parent/ guardian and student signature or student signature if you're older than 18.

You may either print, sign, and deliver the form to the campus this week OR you may sign, fill in the form digitally and email it to the campus (preferred method!!!). Filling in the form digitally will require you to download the form, open it as a pdf (right-click, open as, adobe acrobat reader), then use the sign pen tool located on the top toolbar.

If you are a student who is attending class in person and wishes to be tested every week, then please email your completed form to Mr. Hector at

If you are a student who is attending class virtually and will only be attending Fiesta in person, then please email your completed form to Ms. Yari at

The test is a PCR test that involves a self-administered nasal swab. It is quick, painless, and takes under 10 seconds to complete (you swish a swab in the lower part of your nose for 5 seconds and then do the other side the same way for 10 seconds).

Google Drive contains both English and Spanish forms.

Where do I go on Thursday?

Once you arrive to CAST Tech, you will go to the front office and get a paper from Hector/ the front office. Once you have the paper, y'all will head to the cafeteria (downstairs FOX Tech).

Wait in line, 6 FT apart, then you will give the paper to the people doing the COVID Testing.

The testing will be real quick, a Nasal test.

After, check-out with Ms. Vasquez (StuCo Sponsor), Araceli (Junior StuCo President), or Jonathan (Senior StuCo President).

Virtual students may leave campus and continue on with their day.

In-Person students will continue with their day on campus.


Thursday at 9 AM, you will get a new form that will be used for you to be tested. Please be aware that once testing ends for CAST Tech, you will not be able to get tested later, so please be here by 8:30 AM.

Virtual students may leave campus after being COVID Tested.

In-person students will continue on their regular day.



Formal Attire (No jeans, t-shirts, no sweatpants, sweatshirts, or joggers)

Suits work great! Dresses work great! Tuxes work great!

If you need formal attire, please go to They provide FREE formal prom attire. is an excellent place and locally owned in San Antonio. The house suits, so there is no need to ship. The latest to get a Tuxedo is Tuesday, 4/20, and possibly Wednesday.

Requires a $40 down payment and pay the rest after pick up look at spending ($100- $200)

It is best to get your suit by April 21st for the April 23rd dance.


Formal attire Required (No jeans or t-shirts, no sweatpants, sweatshirts, joggers; Suits work great! Dresses work great! Tuxes work great!

Mask Required

COVID On-campus testing on Thursday, April 22nd Required

Must be a Junior or a senior or date being accompanied by one

COVID Free/ COVID test negative

CAST Tech Students Only

No entry even if these requirements aren't met.



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